Thursday, October 8, 2009

Why We Love to Exercise

Most Americans like the idea of exercising and are gung-ho about it when they know the summer time is coming up and they have to squeeze into their bathing suits. However, actually getting out there and doing something is an entirely different story.

As with most things, the most difficult part about exercising is getting started. Once you've begun, it's not so bad to keep going until it's time to stop. So, how do you get yourself started with exercising? You need to begin by planning out a schedule. What time of day do you function best in? When do you have free time? One of the problems with working adults is the time factor. The problem is that they don't make the time for exercising, and the reason for this is because it's simply not important enough to them. Have you ever realized that when something is really important to you, you will somehow find the time within your busy schedule to do it? It's true! If being healthy is important enough to you, then you will be able to find the time to tackle it.

So, first thing is first; make a list of your fitness goals. Do you want to just lose weight? Are you focused on looking fit? Running a race? Whatever your goals are, write them down. After you write your goals down, it's time to take action. Go to your kitchen and survey all of the different types of food and condiments that you have. How many of them are fatty and unnecessary? Do you really need to have four bags of potato chips in the pantry? How about that bag of candy? Whatever you have that's bad for you, get rid of it. Donate it to charity. Do not store it in your home. When you keep foods that aren't good for you in your house, chances are that you will, at some point, eat them. Instead, begin to purchase foods that are healthy for you. For example, buy seasonal fruit such as bananas and oranges, apples and strawberries. Keeping healthy foods around your house will not only encourage you to eat better, but it will remove the temptation you had before to snack on something that is not as healthy for you! Coupling good eating habits with exercise is great, but it won't get you to where you need to be. The number one thing that people neglect is sleep. Sleep is perhaps one of the most underrated things that many Americans take for granted.

We work ourselves to the bone during the day and then come home exhausted, but yet we try to pack in as much as we can, which often results in us not getting a sufficient amount of sleep. That being said, re-work your bedroom in such a way that it is inviting. Your bedroom should be a retreat- a place of rest and relaxation. There should be no sign of work-related things in your bedroom. If you have a desk in your bedroom, get rid of it. If you live in a small space and don't have much of an option, do what you can.

Top 10 Ways to Burn Belly Fat Fast

1. Know your body fat percentage.

Before solving the problem, you need to know what it is. Or, in this case, HOW MUCH it is. Once you get your fat percentage, you will be more aware of your body and ultimately be able to burn belly fat fast.

2. Step up your full body workout.

Performing well-rounded exercises will prepare your whole body for targeted muscle training and future intense workouts.

3. Get into sports.

I'm talking about heart-pumping and challenging physical activities - rowing, triathlons, martial arts, boxing, dancing, or any task that engages your abs and other muscle groups as well.

4. Strength and weight training.

Studies have shown that building muscle through strength and weight training can increase your metabolism and, as a result, burn belly fat fast.

5. Spend money only on the things that count.

Invest on affordable yet effective and long-term exercise aids like a yoga mat, an exercise ball, a medicine ball, and some workout videos.

6. Perform abs-specific workouts.

Directly targeting the problem area with crunches, bicycles, and other abdominal muscle exercises can only create optimum conditions for burning fat and help you to build abs fast!

7. Eat fat burning foods.

We've got the physical fitness aspect covered; now it's time to work on your diet. Incorporating fat burning foods like green vegetables, citrus fruits, beans, peppers, and root crops can certainly burn belly fat fast.

8. Stay clear of unhealthy, fatty foods.

In relation to the previous point, loading up on excessively fat and high-cholesterol foods will only set you back.

9. Keep your stress levels at a minimum.

Cortisol, a hormone released by your body when under extreme stress, is said to increase fat production around your midsection. It also causes your appetite to spike. By maintaining a relaxed attitude, you avoid the chances for over-indulging, especially with junk food.

10. Get enough sleep.

Just like any hardworking machine, your body will need to recharge and restore expended energy. Making time for sleep paired with a conducive sleeping environment will ensure that your body gets ample rest.

In Summary

Burn belly fat fast with these 10 highly adaptable strategies and start to see results in just days. You'll feel good about yourself, radiate positive energy on to others, and, more importantly, you'll look better than you've ever had.

Originally Posted by: Travis Hunt

How to Exercise for a Flat Stomach

Getting six pack abs takes a lot more work than just clicking your heels three times or drinking a fitness potion. You will need to exercise for a flat stomach, for sure. What you probably don't realize is that it isn't as complicated as you think.

It can be a little frustrating, especially when you've struggled with your body all your life, and you're constantly reminded of the flat stomach you only wish you had. There are those health buffs in their tight-fitted clothing parading around your office like they own the place, infomercials that claim to be the best solution for that instant flat stomach flooding the television, and magazines with airbrushed covers of hot celebrities. It's really hard not to feel overwhelmed at times.

You can now stop pining over them because that flat sexy tummy is truly just a few clicks away. The first thing you need to do to exercise for a flat stomach is to start performing targeted exercises. Therefore you need to hit it where it hurts - the flab.

The ab-specific exercises listed below should get you pumped and ready for more:

* Crunches * Stomach Curls * Knee to Chest Stretch * Bicycles

Performing each in sets of 3 around 4 times a week at 10-25 reps per set should give your stomach a solid workout.

Your exercise for a flat stomach must not stop there; to ensure you are getting a complete workout, you will also need to perform full body exercises. Incorporating a solid cardio routine will certainly allow you to get more out of your targeted exercises. These consist of running, swimming, martial arts, dancing, and even brisk walking.

Perform your full body workouts every other day, ideally in between the days when you do targeted abs. Putting in 40-60 minuets of cardio 3-4 times a week can prove to be very beneficial. Don't get ahead of yourself by being careless; push yourself to work out hard, but don't overdo it.

To reinforce your exercise for a flat stomach, you need to follow a proper diet. Quick tip: if you usually find yourself snacking at a particular time of day, like in the early morning, try to get in some exercise an hour before. That way, you don't feel as guilty because your metabolism is actually working on overtime even after you've exercised.

Without even picking up a book, you know healthy eating does wonders on the body. No amount of hours spent in the gym will get you that flat tummy if all you eat are unhealthy snacks and fatty foods. A regular exercise plan can only be maximized with the implementation of a good diet plan, make a mental note of that.

I won't lie, there is a science to it. But you don't have to be a fitness guru to tell the difference between healthy and unhealthy food. Brush up on your macronutrients and explore the fresh produce aisles at the store.

Implement these three simple guidelines and say goodbye to flat stomach envy. Eat well and exercise for a flat stomach now!

About the Author: Travis Hunt

Learn 10 ways to burn your Belly Fat Fast and achieve the top of your fitness success with the help of this 6-part FREE mini course. In addition, discover more on Truth About Abs and get the superb techniques for your exercise.

How to Grow Taller With Exercises!

There are many exercises to grow taller that can be done in a period of time and get you to increase height fast and naturally. The type of exercise that is highly recommended for this are high intensity anaerobic and aerobic exercises such as swimming, cycling and stretching. Such exercises have proven to stimulate the secretion of human growth hormone and force the body to start growing.

A little study in the physiological process reveals that nitric oxide, lactate and acid-base balance in the body is responsible for such exercises to stimulate growth hormone.

For instance lets take an example of one of the high intense exercise like stretching, the goal with this is to apply much resistance in stretching. This will result in yielding high amounts of secretion of human growth hormone. This hormone tends to thicken the cartilage and increase the volume of the bone and with time this makes you grow taller. It is crucial to say that you should focus on increasing the resistance in stretching for faster and greater results in growth.

While starting such an exercise it is advised to stretch with great intensity for at least 15 minutes to increase the chances of growing taller. Increase the intensity enough to stimulate your muscles to increase in height. Such stimulation will also stimulate the human growth hormone while your relax after exercising. If you want to grow taller with exercises then you ought yourself to do this consistently.

Don't bother about using pills or surgery to grow taller. Such ways are expensive and most of them have side effects indirectly with time. Believe me i have seen such people experiencing problems after using them. Use natural ways to grow taller, like doing successful exercises, taking in the right diet and having enough rest.

About the Author:

Emmanuel Kamala: Also, What I am about to share with you is a secret tip that is responsible for making most short people grow taller fast. Some have experienced growth of 3 inches in 45 days using this hidden tip.

"Health is a Habit"

Vitamins play a very important role in the human body. They promote beautiful, healthy skin and hair. The correct vitamin intake really makes a difference and you will be able to feel and see results fast. Studies show that people who live longer then others usually took multi-vitamins most of their adult life.

Regular exercise also plays a very important role when living a healthy life style. Setting pacific days and times is a great technique when developing a workout plan. Try to dedicate 30 minutes to an hour, 3 days a week to exercise and watch for results. If your targeting weight loss, most of your work out should be cardio. Try to sweat as much as possible. Drinking water is a very important as well, be sure to include plenty of water through out your day.

Moreover, dedication is really the key to success, alone with persistence of course. Throughout the years I've found that the problem with most people is getting started. Everybody talks about getting in shape... but it's alot easier said then done. But when you've been at it for just a few weeks and you can see the changes that are taking place and you feel so alive through out your day, it makes it all worth it. Pretty soon it's just normal routine, and when you miss a work out or can't jog for that day you start to feel like you let yourself down... and exercising becomes just a normal thing in your life. Something that you enjoy doing.

Here's a great site with FREE HEALTH PRODUCTS to get you started!!

About the Author:

C. Marcus: Electrical Contractor/ Internet Marketing CEO

Secrets of the Penis Enlargement Pump

The Penis Enlargement Pump is not safe or natural because you can damage your penis bye having too much pull. You should think of another way that is natural, safe and much easier. You can get a system that the only thing you need is your hands at home.

You don't have to use pills, pumps, weights, or surgery. Think with your head. Use something that feels safe.

Their is a website that shows you hundreds of testomonials and a 60 day money back guarantee if become a bit sceptical. You only need 6 minutes of your time a day and your hands. You do not need to do any Penis Pumping at all and if you order it you get access to it instantly rather than having to order it, wait a couple weeks and pay for the shipping for a physical product when you really don't need one.

The theory behind pumps is that the vaccuum created inside the pump will induce greater bloodflow helping to stimulate growth but it doesn't.There is an inherent risk that you could burst capiliaries, get blisters or even worse, develop improper circulation leading to possible impotence and a whole host of other problems.

Penis Enlargement Pumps

  • Temporay results that fade after a few minutes.
  • Potentially dangerous.
  • Over pumping can lead to various problems.
  • Risk or Peyronies disease.
  • Risk of blisters.
  • Risk of circulation problem.
  • Risk of burst capiliaries.

    Their are over 12,346 happy customers (and counting), and a 99.8% success rate - PenisAdvantage is truly on the map as the best enlargement site for guys looking for a REAL SOLUTION to their problems, not some over-hyped scam.

    Penis Advantage is better than a Penis Enlargement Pump because:

  • With this program you will discover exercises that are 100% natural and safe using just your hands. This system will help you develop a thicker and longer penis, giving you harder and longer lasting erections with more frequency.
  • The gains you will make on the PenisAdvantage program will be permanent and long lasting, you will enjoy them for the rest of your life.
  • This program works really fast, first results will be seen in as little as 2 weeks!

    Now you can see that a Penis Enlargement Pump cannot help you but it only could damage you. Natural is the best way to go.

  • About the Author:

    Jay Comillo has reviewed male enhancement products and has a sharpe eye for low quality products. His target is to provide the most value in order to ensure the readers are satisfied.

    Top 3 Ways of Getting Ripped Muscles Fast

    Building muscle is not easy. In fact, it can be terribly hard even when working out on a regular basis with hard workouts and even using supplements.

    For years I've been trying to gain a good amount of muscular mass and during those times I realized that you need to know what you're doing. With experimentation, I've found out what works and what doesn't, to make it possible for everyone to gain muscular mass, even the ones that aren't as genetically ready as others.

    That is why I'm giving you the 3 most important tips to make that exercise pay off.

    1. Use big multi-joint compound exercises. Whether the goal is fat loss or muscle building, 95% of the exercises you perform should be of this type. They'll help you get lean, ripped and powerful. Here are some exercises you can do that will work miracles: * upper body horizontal press (bench press, pushups, dips), * upper body horizontal rows (1-arm dumbbell rows, seated cable rows, bent over barbell rows), * upper body vertical pull (lat pulldowns, pullups, chinups), * upper body vertical press (overhead dumbbell and barbell presses, barbell or kettlebell clean & presses) * lower body squatting movements (front squats, back squats, overhead squats, bodyweight squats, etc) * lower body deadlifting movements (regular deadlifts, sumo deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts) * lower body single leg movements (lunges, step-ups, jump lunges, etc) * abdominal and core exercises (these are important, but still are 2nd priority after all of the major upper body and lower body multi-joint movements as your abs/core will also be worked on the previous exercises.

    That should comprise about 95% of the exercises you do. What about the rest, you may ask? Those should focus on single joint exercises, such as bicep curls, tricep presses, calf presses, shoulder shrugs, shoulder lateral raises, pec flyes, etc.

    2. Train hard. You'll need to train hard and intensely for 3-4 days a week from 45 to 60 minutes for a weight training workout. More than that can be unhealthy (causing excess catabolism). Use combinations of exercises that don't interfere with each other, but allow you to maximize your training. This combination of exercises made it possible my first significant muscle mass gain. About the calorie intake, it will depend on whether you want to burn fat of gain muscular mass.

    3. Eat clean. This is important so I'll say it again: EAT CLEAN! The quality of protein (extremely important when gaining muscular mass), vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, for instance is important, as when they come from whole foods such as eggs, meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, for example, are absorbed in a much easier way than replacements that are bought from stores.

    Don't follow those overhyped workouts that appear on some muscle mags that will only work on professional bodybuilders or people on steroids. Don't consume those hyped up supplements that are extremely expensive and get no results. If you follow this guide, you'll see results the healthy way, and faster than you could expect!

    If you want a ripped, muscular body, check the complete guide, with the best tips you can possibly get on Get Ripped Abs!

    About the Author:

    Regular bodybuilder, until discovered the secrets on how to gain muscle.